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About the Garden >> Mission and Vision


Investigate and educate in order to preserve the beauty and biodiversity of the Venezuelan Andes, at the same time, contribute with the comfort of its inhabitants.

Be a reference center in the scientific, technical, horticultural and educational. Create a space open to citizen participation, recognition and integration of natural and cultural heritage. Become the support for regional and national plans of study, conservation and employment of our natural resources. Promote creative and aesthetic expressions that harmonize with the urban growth and the pursuit of a higher quality of life.


Fundación Jardín Botánico de Mérida. Av. Alberto Carnevali.
Desviación Chorros de Milla. 5101. A un costado de
la pista de atletismo de la ULA. La Hechicera, Mérida, Venezuela.
Teléfono: (58 0274) 417.32.90 / (58 0274) 416.06.42
Correo electrónico: fundacionjardinbotanico@hotmail.com / proyectoselva@ula.ve